We’d like to show you an additional example of emotive storytelling. This time we will focus on how an emotive story can develop a powerful climatic scene. Continue Reading →
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Emotive Storytelling: We Are What We Speak

To win hearts and minds, it might help to meet the “other guys” somewhere in the middle.
Is it safe yet to talk about Trayvon Martin? Will it ever be? In the aftermath of the shooting—and even more so after the trial and not guilty verdict—the social media and blogosphere were ablaze with angry rhetoric and rebuttals.
Two opposing camps quickly established themselves, each with its own story to tell. Continue Reading →
Stories About Nothing

Nature abhors a vacuum and so do we.
Nature abhors a vacuum and so do we. Nature filled the original void with stars, planets and galaxies. When we encounter a gap in our knowledge, we tend to fill it with stories. Not surprisingly, our most enduring stories focus on the origins of our universe—and ourselves.
Most religions include a creation story—the most familiar, of course, being “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Continue Reading →
Emotive Storytelling: Uniquely The Same
I’d like to share a couple of things. One is an idea from the book The Spirituality of Imperfection. “In truth, there are no new stories. Stories become ‘new’ to us – when something – in our own experience – makes us ready to hear them.” Continue Reading →
Healing Stories from Survivors and Warriors #1
We’d like to show you an example of a small part of an emotive story that we’ve developed. Healing stories, like most stories, have three elements of plot: Conflict — which identifies the problem to be solved; Climax — the point of highest tension, — and Resolution.
In this clip you’ll see the conflict of a young veteran who is struggling with PTSD. Continue Reading →
Emotive Storytelling: The Art of Simplification
I have a thought to share with you. And it’s simple. Over the years, I have been fortunate to create and produce stories for some of the smartest people and best organizations. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things. One of the most important has to do with the topic of complexity, and namely, that it’s a problem for people. Continue Reading →
If Big Data Can’t Make Them Think, What Will?

Emotive Storytelling is the sticky front end of Big Data.
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “Big Data Can Bring Patients to Water, But It Can’t Make Them Think” provides an excellent example of the frustration the medical/health insurance community experiences getting patients to act on recommendations for improved health.
Storytelling Came First, Fire Came Later
Think about how information and efforts at persuasion have been successfully transmitted from person to person from the beginning of time. Now consider how long the written word has been available to the average person – only 400 years.
Emotive Storytelling: Emotion Speaks Louder than Words
Still trying to figure out how to make people do a 180 and respond to your messages? Is it the competitive price that drives them, or a promise of good health? Or is it something that goes deeper than discounts and even wellness? Although most readers and watchers don’t know it, empathy and concept conversion are activated by mirror neurons.
Effective Behavior Change and Persuasion through Emotive Storytelling: An Empirical Overview
We’ve taken the reins on disease prevention and patient compliance. Now, researchers have confirmed the optimal strategy for changing health-related behavior: The use of narrative. That’s what we’ve been doing for 25 years — only we call it Emotive Storytelling because we’ve loaded it with much more than narration. We’ve harnessed stories with video, scenarios, images, emotions, animation, interactivity and action to elevate health education to new horizons.