Archive | Resilience

The Journey Begins Before the Uniform Comes Off

Up-front-and-early2Joe read the Go Army ads and enlisted. He’s a good guy. Not Harvard or Stanford material, but a hard worker, a guy who knows that courage is acting in spite of fear. He was also thinking about the post-deployment perks when he signed the papers.

So he goes through kick-butt training, gets deployed, gets knocked down, and two years later comes home with PTSD and mild traumatic brain injury.

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The Healing Power Of Stories

Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Director/Author

Our team here at has just spent two days filming and recording the stories of eleven Veterans, most of whom have seen and survived the worst of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It was an extraordinary experience that deeply touched all of us who were involved.  Each of these Vets has suffered lasting consequences of their combat experience, including Post-Traumatic Stress, mTBI and other emotional pain associated with combat or trauma. Continue Reading →

Healing Stories from Survivors and Warriors #3

The Anatomy of a Story: Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Visual Eyes Inc.

We’d like to show you an example of a small part of an emotive story focusing on how emotions can be used to provide a powerful resolution to a story.  Healing stories, like most stories, have three elements of plot:  Conflict which identifies the problem to be solved; Climax, the point of highest tension, and Resolution, the end of the story. In this clip you see the sad resolution of a story about suicide.  This is indeed the end of the story.
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Emotive Storytelling: We Are What We Speak


To win hearts and minds, it might help to meet the “other guys” somewhere in the middle.

Is it safe yet to talk about Trayvon Martin? Will it ever be? In the aftermath of the shooting—and even more so after the trial and not guilty verdict—the social media and blogosphere were ablaze with angry rhetoric and rebuttals.

Two opposing camps quickly established themselves, each with its own story to tell.  Continue Reading →

Healing Stories from Survivors and Warriors #1

The Anatomy of a Story: Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Visual Eyes Inc.

We’d like to show you an example of a small part of an emotive story that we’ve developed.  Healing stories, like most stories, have three elements of plot: Conflict — which identifies the problem to be solved; Climax — the point of highest tension, — and Resolution.

In this clip you’ll see the conflict of a young  veteran who is struggling with PTSD. Continue Reading →