Archive | Emotive Storytelling

Mirror, Mirror in the Group

Narrative communication to influence behavior change: Kids Play ArmyThe little boy loved to play army with his friends. There were the battles, the victories and the teamwork. As he grew older, he dreamed of doing something meaningful with and for other people. So he enlisted. But he never dreamed he would feel intense isolation after the battles ended and the teams disbanded. He would be alone with flashbacks of fear, guilt and horror.

In the military culture, it made sense to subdue vulnerable feelings – they didn’t exactly promote survival. So the soldier learned a new and necessary habit: emotional silence.

He did not know it, but his brain – like everyone else’s brain – recorded and retained information for the new habit in the basal ganglia. This is where neuropathways are formed for repeated behaviors.

So, later as a civilian, when he wanted to change this habit and he thought of sharing some of his experiences, he found it difficult and seemingly impossible. Relationships suffered. He suffered.

Blessed with a strong intuition, he accepted an opportunity to meet with some vets. As they everrr soooo sloooowly opened up about their feelings, his mirror neurons – like everyone else’s mirror neurons in the group – were activated. These brain cells are believed to mirror the behavior of others, so the quiet observer feels as though he is the actor.

He gradually saw and heard people who had similar and unique stories of horror, fear and guilt. Eventually, he felt that it was OK to share.

And guess what happened next?

In a safe and relaxing atmosphere, the childhood habit of teamwork and camaraderie overrode the adult habit of emotional silence. In other words, brain activity that is related to different habits – even opposite habits – can be remembered and rekindled by environments and situations when there’s a need for that specific habit. That’s what neuroscientist Ann Griel at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology tells us, and her work with habit formation won her the prestigious Vanderbilt Prize in Biomedical Science.

There’s more good news. The brain is flexible, or plastic, so people can deliberately reinforce helpful habits. And even in stressful times, those chosen habits will get triggered more easily and more often. For healthcare providers, educators and anyone else interested in behavior change, that’s the best news.

There’s one last point to remember: When you need to use narrative communication to tell a story to influence behavior change, decide on which emotions you want your audience to mirror. Is it compassion and love, or is it guilt and shame?


Narrative Communication to influence Behavior Change

Emotive Storytelling™ encourages behavior change through the use of narrative communication, neuroscience, digital media, games and mobility.  Narrative Communication as a source of emotive persuasion and education has a long history and a sound scientific underpinning.  Emotive Storytelling™ integrates the emotional power of the storytelling, cinematic technique, neuroscience, health games, mhealth (mobile health), digital tools and internet technology to drive user engagement, adherence and behavior change in healthcare delivery, marketing, education, and business.

Sharing Learning through Narrative Communication to Influence Behavior Change

It’s All About Behavior Change

Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Director/Author

Let me ask you a question. What do these concepts have in common?

Prevention, compliance, marketing, sales, assertive communication, setting limits, and incentives.

Look closely. The commonality may not be obvious because they are each associated with diverse areas of endeavor including medicine, business, interpersonal relationships, morale building and parenting.

Give up? Continue Reading →

Emotive Storytelling: The Me To We Factor

Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Director/Author

Let me tell you a story about what a guy named Peter Guber has learned about storytelling.  Peter Guber is a successful film producer whose films have earned over 3 billion dollars and have captured 50 Academy Award nominations.  He is also an owner of two major league sports franchises.  So he’s got some cred.  Continue Reading →

Storytellers Need Storylisteners

ear2He can only hear his story: He found her in bed with another man when he returned from an important mission. She can only hear her story: She’s tired of being his second wife – the military is his first.

They’ve got four kids. And along with their wedding vows, they promised each other an ugly divorce – if it came to that.

Each thinks the other is the villain. But they’re about to learn the name of the real enemy. Continue Reading →

Dr. Gerard Gibbons Speaks at National Surgical Symposium about Emotive Storytelling and Narrative Communication

Dr. Gerard Gibbons CEO Visual Eyes Inc. & Jordan Evans JPL / NASA present at Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons.

Dr. Gerard Gibbons CEO Visual Eyes Inc. & Jordan Evans JPL / NASA present at Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons.


Future Technology 

Minimally Invasive Surgery Week

Emotive Storytelling and Narrative Communication were the first critical human technologies, fire came later. Listening to stories and telling them helped our ancestors to live humanly – to be human. But somewhere along the way our ability to tell stories was lost. Continue Reading →

Emotive Storytelling: Thwart the Negativity Bias

Emotive Storytelling: We face issues in isolation

We face issues in isolation. Despite the fact that our healthcare system, mental health treatment models and behavioral health interventions are often face-to-face centered or group support-focused, most people face their issues alone. Problems are most challenging when people are in their own space, place and moment. That means without their spouse, friends or healthcare provider nearby. Continue Reading →

King Cognos and The Wrong Brain™

King Cognos and The Wrong Brain™   ©2013

Let us tell you a story. In fact, even better… a fairy tale!  Once upon a time long ago in a kingdom far away, there were no written words.  Just stories — and everything important was taught through them.  Generation after generation shared and passed on these stories.   Continue Reading →