Education and training are the most common solutions when we run up against a performance discrepancy—a situation where we are trying to get people to perform according to a set of standards, expectations, or rules and they are failing to do so. Continue Reading →
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Stress, Genes and Resilience: The Stories We Tell
“Stress gene tied to coronary risk: Duke University study reinforces emotional system’s role in cardiovascular disease” reads a recent news headline designed to catch our attention. Continue Reading →
My name is Fred, I’m a Type I diabetic
My name is Fred, and I am a Type I diabetic. It’s been about 4 hours since my last shot of insulin. (In a 12-step parody, this is where you’d say, “Welcome, Fred.”)
I’m a grizzled veteran of the diabetes wars, having developed Type I diabetes (formerly called “juvenile diabetes,”) when I was eight. Continue Reading →
It’s All About Behavior Change
Let me ask you a question. What do these concepts have in common?
Prevention, compliance, marketing, sales, assertive communication, setting limits, and incentives.
Look closely. The commonality may not be obvious because they are each associated with diverse areas of endeavor including medicine, business, interpersonal relationships, morale building and parenting.
Give up? Continue Reading →
Dr. Gerard Gibbons Speaks at National Surgical Symposium about Emotive Storytelling and Narrative Communication
Future Technology
Minimally Invasive Surgery Week
Emotive Storytelling and Narrative Communication were the first critical human technologies, fire came later. Listening to stories and telling them helped our ancestors to live humanly – to be human. But somewhere along the way our ability to tell stories was lost. Continue Reading →
King Cognos and The Wrong Brain™
King Cognos and The Wrong Brain™ ©2013
Let us tell you a story. In fact, even better… a fairy tale! Once upon a time long ago in a kingdom far away, there were no written words. Just stories — and everything important was taught through them. Generation after generation shared and passed on these stories. Continue Reading →
The Healing Power Of Stories
Our team here at has just spent two days filming and recording the stories of eleven Veterans, most of whom have seen and survived the worst of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was an extraordinary experience that deeply touched all of us who were involved. Each of these Vets has suffered lasting consequences of their combat experience, including Post-Traumatic Stress, mTBI and other emotional pain associated with combat or trauma. Continue Reading →