Archive | Actionable Knowledge

The Best Story Wins

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The Best Story Wins

Years ago, mealtimes in many homes meant story time – retellings of work experiences, report cards and bargains. When friends, uncles and aunts came to visit and mealtimes were longer, there was more storytelling, gossiping and laughing. (And yes, crying and arguing were part of those stories, too.)  Continue Reading →

The Healing Power Of Stories

Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Director/Author

Our team here at has just spent two days filming and recording the stories of eleven Veterans, most of whom have seen and survived the worst of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It was an extraordinary experience that deeply touched all of us who were involved.  Each of these Vets has suffered lasting consequences of their combat experience, including Post-Traumatic Stress, mTBI and other emotional pain associated with combat or trauma. Continue Reading →

Healing Stories from Survivors and Warriors #3

The Anatomy of a Story: Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Visual Eyes Inc.

We’d like to show you an example of a small part of an emotive story focusing on how emotions can be used to provide a powerful resolution to a story.  Healing stories, like most stories, have three elements of plot:  Conflict which identifies the problem to be solved; Climax, the point of highest tension, and Resolution, the end of the story. In this clip you see the sad resolution of a story about suicide.  This is indeed the end of the story.
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Emotive Storytelling: The Art of Simplification

Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Director/Author

I have a thought to share with you. And it’s simple. Over the years, I have been fortunate to create and produce stories for some of the smartest people and best organizations. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things. One of the most important has to do with the topic of complexity, and namely, that it’s a problem for people. Continue Reading →