Author Archive | Jim

Saved By My Own Story


It has been a painfully slow climb out of darkness. For a really long time, I allowed past traumas to run my life. Bad stuff happened. Years went by. I couldn’t get beyond it. That’s called stuck. And being stuck sucks.

My name is Jack, I’m an alcoholic


In 1976, a handsome young physician in his early thirties stood up in a crowded room and said, “hello, my name is Jack, and I’m an alcoholic.” From the group a chorus was heard, “Welcome Jack.”

Doctors telling patients to lose weight is not enough


Doctors are being asked to change their behavior toward their obese patients through guidelines developed by a group of medical organizations that include the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology and the Obesity Society.

Brand Storytelling: Core Power for Business


“As I look back on my four decades in business, I see that persuading customers, employees, shareholders, media, and partners through storytelling has been my single biggest competitive advantage.”

Is Brand Storytelling the Ultimate Weapon?


This is simple truth so I’ll get right to it. People are moved by emotion. Emotion trumps reason. There is no better way to engage and emotionally connect other people to your mission than through the power of storytelling. This applies whether you are in Pentagon, boardroom, break room, waiting room or living room.

School of Public Health, St. Louis University

saint-louis-university 2

“Storytelling offer distinct advantages: overcoming resistance, facilitating understanding, providing surrogate social connections, and presenting emotional and existential issues.”

Richard Satava, MD, FACS – Healthcare Future Visionary

Richard Satava, MD, FACS

“Gerard, this digital storytelling strategy is a revolutionary intervention ideal for the emerging vision of healthcare. We are finding that technology alone is not moving the meter in improving patient outcomes at the level we need. Your emotional approach combined with mobile health and big data has great promise for bringing humanity, healthcare and technology together in a meaningful way.”

Health Education and Behavior Journal

Health Education and Behavior

“In the rapidly growing field of health communication, narrative approaches (storytelling) are emerging as a promising sent of tools for motivating and supporting health behavior change.