Archive | March, 2013

The Healing Power Of Stories

The Healing Power of Stories 150pxOur team at has just spent two days filming the stories of eleven Veterans, most of whom have seen and survived the worst of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was an extraordinary experience.

Effective Behavior Change and Persuasion

Effective Behavior Change and Persuasion 150pxWe’ve taken the reins on disease prevention and patient compliance. Now, researchers have confirmed the optimal strategy for changing health-related behavior: The use of narrative. That’s what we’ve been doing for 30 years — only we call it Emotive Storytelling.

Emotion Speaks Louder than Words

Emotion Speaks Lounder than Words 150pxStill trying to figure out how to make people do a 180 and respond to your messages? Is it the competitive price that drives them, or a promise of good health? Or is it something that goes deeper?

Storytelling Came First, Fire Came Later

Storytelling Came First2 150pxThink about how information and efforts at persuasion have been successfully transmitted from person to person from the beginning of time.  Now consider how long the written word has been available to the average person – only 400 years.