“Audiences immersed in narrative stories are less likely to counterargue with key messages. This approach has greater influence on attitudes and beliefs.”
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Jonathan Haidt PhD Prof Psychology, NYU Stern School of Business
“Human beings in every culture are fascinated by stories. The human mind is a story processor, not a logic processor.”
Larry Smarr PhD, Big data scientist, Internet founding father, Director Calit2 Center, UCSD
“Gerard, this is compelling. As I always say, storytelling was the first critical human technology. Fire came later.”
Magic Johnson, LA Lakers Hall of Fame superstar
“All leaders need to be storytellers and companies need to tell their story powerfully. Stories get people’s attention and changes their mindset.”
Peter Guber, former CEO Sony Pictures, Academy Award Producer
“There’s no business without story business. To connect, persuade and triumph, you must ‘tell to win’ with the hidden power of story. Stories are the best chance of compelling people to act on behalf of a worthy goal.”