We’ve taken the reins on disease prevention and patient compliance. Now, researchers have confirmed the optimal strategy for changing health-related behavior: The use of narrative. That’s what we’ve been doing for 30 years — only we call it Emotive Storytelling.
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Emotion Speaks Louder than Words
Still trying to figure out how to make people do a 180 and respond to your messages? Is it the competitive price that drives them, or a promise of good health? Or is it something that goes deeper?
Storytelling Came First, Fire Came Later
Think about how information and efforts at persuasion have been successfully transmitted from person to person from the beginning of time. Now consider how long the written word has been available to the average person – only 400 years.
If Big Data Can’t Make Them Think, What Will?
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “Big Data Can Bring Patients to Water, But It Can’t Make Them Think” provides an excellent example of the frustration the health insurance community experiences.
The Journey Begins Before the Uniform Comes Off
Joe read the Go Army ads and enlisted. He’s a good guy. Not Harvard or Stanford material, but a hard worker, a guy who knows that courage is acting in spite of fear.
Easy Button: Complexity Made Simple
Making things simple turns out to be a difficult task for many in cognitive heavy worlds of healthcare, science, government and business. The art of simplification is an art.
Storytellers Need Storylisteners
He can only hear his story: He found her in bed with another man when he returned from war. She can only hear her story: She’s tired of being his second wife – the military is his first.
Emotive Storytelling: The Art of Simplification
I have a thought to share with you. And it’s simple. Over the years, I have been fortunate to create and produce stories for some of the smartest people and best organizations. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things.
Hope and Healing Through Repetition and Emotive Storytelling
Mike Bradley joined the Army to be a medic, but an improvised explosive devise and traumatic brain injury cut his career short. With health issues and without a degree, his employment options were limited.
We Are What We Speak
Is it safe yet to talk about Trayvon Martin? Will it ever be? In the aftermath of the shooting—and even more so after the trial and not guilty verdict—the social media and blogosphere were ablaze with angry rhetoric and rebuttals.