Archive | Accelerated Learning

Stories are Infectious

Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Director/Author

Tell me a story.

How often have you heard that? As a parent, no doubt you have – many times from your kids.  Hello, I’m Dr. Gerard Gibbons founder of There is always a tug on my heart when my little girl says daddy, tell me a story. And of course I love tell her stories. This is Emotive Storytelling. Continue Reading →

Emotive Storytelling: The Me To We Factor

Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Director/Author

Let me tell you a story about what a guy named Peter Guber has learned about storytelling.  Peter Guber is a successful film producer whose films have earned over 3 billion dollars and have captured 50 Academy Award nominations.  He is also an owner of two major league sports franchises.  So he’s got some cred.  Continue Reading →

The Best Story Wins

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The Best Story Wins

Years ago, mealtimes in many homes meant story time – retellings of work experiences, report cards and bargains. When friends, uncles and aunts came to visit and mealtimes were longer, there was more storytelling, gossiping and laughing. (And yes, crying and arguing were part of those stories, too.)  Continue Reading →

Emotive Storytelling: The Art of Simplification

Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Director/Author

I have a thought to share with you. And it’s simple. Over the years, I have been fortunate to create and produce stories for some of the smartest people and best organizations. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things. One of the most important has to do with the topic of complexity, and namely, that it’s a problem for people. Continue Reading →