Author Archive | Dr. Gerard Gibbons

Emotion Speaks Louder than Words

Emotion Speaks Lounder than Words 150pxStill trying to figure out how to make people do a 180 and respond to your messages? Is it the competitive price that drives them, or a promise of good health? Or is it something that goes deeper?

Storytelling Came First, Fire Came Later

Storytelling Came First2 150pxThink about how information and efforts at persuasion have been successfully transmitted from person to person from the beginning of time.  Now consider how long the written word has been available to the average person – only 400 years.

Storytellers Need Storylisteners

Storytellers Need Storylisteners 150pxHe can only hear his story: He found her in bed with another man when he returned from war. She can only hear her story: She’s tired of being his second wife – the military is his first.

We Are What We Speak

We Are What We Speak 150pxIs it safe yet to talk about Trayvon Martin? Will it ever be? In the aftermath of the shooting—and even more so after the trial and not guilty verdict—the social media and blogosphere were ablaze with angry rhetoric and rebuttals.

Stories About Nothing

Stories About Nothing 150pxNature abhors a vacuum and so do we. Nature filled the original void with stars, planets and galaxies. When we encounter a gap in our knowledge, we tend to fill it with stories.