Archive | User Engagement

Stories About Nothing


Nature abhors a vacuum and so do we.

Nature abhors a vacuum and so do we. Nature filled the original void with stars, planets and galaxies. When we encounter a gap in our knowledge, we tend to fill it with stories. Not surprisingly, our most enduring stories focus on the origins of our universe—and ourselves.

Most religions include a creation story—the most familiar, of course, being “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Continue Reading →

Healing Stories from Survivors and Warriors #1

The Anatomy of a Story: Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Visual Eyes Inc.

We’d like to show you an example of a small part of an emotive story that we’ve developed.  Healing stories, like most stories, have three elements of plot: Conflict — which identifies the problem to be solved; Climax — the point of highest tension, — and Resolution.

In this clip you’ll see the conflict of a young  veteran who is struggling with PTSD. Continue Reading →

Emotive Storytelling: The Art of Simplification

Dr. Gerard Gibbons, Director/Author

I have a thought to share with you. And it’s simple. Over the years, I have been fortunate to create and produce stories for some of the smartest people and best organizations. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things. One of the most important has to do with the topic of complexity, and namely, that it’s a problem for people. Continue Reading →